Backflow Prevention

A backflow prevention device must be installed if the plumbing on your premises has polluted or could pollute the water supply on the premise, or at the provider’s water service. At Pro Spec Plumbing & Gas we are qualified to perform backflow prevention device testing, and install or repair a device when it’s required.
Our Plumbers are trained and qualified to perform Backflow Prevention Device testing.
- We will conduct the test in a timely manner, have all our paperwork forwarded to your local government and we can set you up in our follow up program, ensuring you never miss a test or receive any unnecessary fines.
- Our testing equipment is calibrated yearly as required by law.
- We offer discount prices when there is more than one valve to be tested.
Installation and Repairs
We are experienced and qualified to install and repair Backflow Prevention Devices for residential and commercial.
Thermostatic Mixing Valves
Thermostatic Mixing Valve (TMV)is a valve that blends hot water with cold water to ensure constant, safe shower and bath outlet temperatures, preventing scalding.
Testing, Installation and Repairs
We are qualified to test, install and repair thermostatic mixing valves.